For just over 2 years I have been taking Oxycodone (10mg) slow-release formula x 2 per day (morning & evening). I also take liquid Oxycodone x 3 per day (maximum 4ml).
Prior to each dose I feel pretty awful; intensely fatigued (my legs feel like they have lead-weights in them), anxious and irritable. It's miserable and I cannot function properly.
I have other 'conditions'- too complex to narrate here. However, one of them is anaemia due to abdominal surgery which has resulted in a very restricted diet.
I am trying to work out if this dreadful fatigue is due to the Oxycodone - which I believe is subject to the laws of diminishing returns - or the anaemia... or both. I am pretty sure I am physically dependent on the drug. I feel sort of 'normal' for a short while after taking a dose (but not euphoric) but that effect soon wears off and the lethargy creeps back again.